Stroke Care International and the Challenges of Decimating Stroke in Nigeria
Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with over 190 million people likewise the largest economy. Though there are no accurate statistics of persons suffering stroke disease over the years and even if one were, it is likely that only people who reached hospitals would have their data included. But there is an estimation that Two Hundred thousand persons (200,000) suffer stroke yearly in Nigeria.
There is no gainsaying that stroke is on an astronomical increase particularly due to their poverty riddled economy and poor infrastructures. Unfortunately, the respective governments have not been bothered about the economic Implications of persons suffering stroke disease because most often breadwinners of families are the most affected and when it happens the economic fortunes of such family dwindles spontaneously.
The dearth of statistics, medical facilities, stroke awareness, lack of caregiving, lack of professional expertise in managing stroke patients, etch are major challenges to decimating stroke disease not only in Nigeria but also Africa. Stroke Care International has been able to mitigate the crisis of decimating stroke disease in Nigeria through expertise, necessary experience, self-funding of activities, volunteerism, symposium, etc.
Our knowledge and understanding of international standards and excellent understanding of the local environment has placed us in a stead to offer excellent service to a sizeable number of persons plagued with Stroke. We don’t only give care to affected individuals through our SCI- Stroke support groups in different parts of Nigeria. We also engage in activities like Urban/Rural Stroke awareness programs, Workplace and Marketplace sensitisation programs and Institutions based awareness etc. lectures that would help prevent future occurrence.
We are making more efforts to enlighten people and create strategic and environment friendly awareness, encouraging people to use proper methods after occurrence to avoid effects of Stroke being permanent. Through rehabilitation and support groups we help existing stroke survivors recover both physically and mentally from stroke.
The family members/Guardians of victims are also encouraged to be involved in our rehabilitation process and activities as we try to get them accustomed to the necessary changes they would have to make in their lives to help them cope with their responsibility for the affected family member. They are also a crucial part of the rehabilitation process.
The challenges:
We know that our knowledge, experience and expertise are not enough in decimating Stroke in Nigeria rather Funding, which is an integral part of the success of Stroke Care International. As an organization we are constantly looking for new ways of generating funds, but a bulk of our finances are gotten through wilful donations from friends and families, spirited persons in the Nigerian societies and they are limited in number. We are hoping that more funds will come not only through International Donors but also within Nigeria and other African Countries which will help us to continue giving services to the Nigerian populace.
We are quite optimistic that these funds will go a long way in domesticating our programs and projects for not only Stroke survivors but also preventing the prevalence of Stroke disease in Nigeria.
Our success story:
Stroke care International has been actively involved in awareness programmes on radio, television and social media platforms. These include governmental agencies – the Nigerian customs, the Nigerian police force and local communities.
We hope to do more given the opportunity and support we need.